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Unleash Your Inner Hunter: Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins

Unleash Your Inner Hunter: Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins
Animal Goods Assassin's Creed Origins: The Ultimate Guide for Collectors

Are you struggling to gather all the animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins? Look no further because we have created the ultimate guide for collectors that will help you locate and hunt every type of animal, including rare ones.

Did you know that there are more than 60 different types of animals in the game? From common ones like deer and rabbits to exotic ones like crocodiles and elephants, each has unique resources for crafting, selling, or consuming.

Do not underestimate the power of animal goods because they can make a significant difference in your gameplay. They can boost your health, enhance your weapons and armor, increase your income, and even complete some quests and achievements.

However, obtaining animal goods is not always easy. Some animals are tough to kill, while others are scarce and elusive. Some animals also require specific equipment or skills to hunt them, such as bows, arrows, traps, or stealth mode.

But do not worry, as our guide will walk you through every step of the process, from identifying the animals' locations and behaviors to choosing the best approach and tactics to hunt them.

We will provide you with useful tips and tricks, such as using the eagle to scout the areas, tracking footprints and droppings, listening to animal sounds, using bait and lures, and avoiding detection by other predators or guards.

We will also show you how to optimize your loot by using specialized tools and upgrades, such as looting animals with specific weapons, equipping pouches and belts for more storage, or unlocking new skills and perks that enhance your hunting abilities.

Our guide also covers the various uses of animal goods, such as selling them to merchants, using them for crafting items like outfits, mounts, and decorations, or consuming them for temporary buffs and bonuses.

In addition to the common animal goods, such as meat, hide, bone, and pelt, we will also introduce you to the rare ones, like silica, carbon crystal, and bronze. These materials are not obtainable by simply killing animals but require specific puzzles and challenges to unlock.

Our guide also includes a comprehensive list of achievements and trophies related to animal goods. By collecting and completing them, you can showcase your hunting skills and earn extra rewards and recognition.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to master the art of animal hunting and collection in Assassin's Creed Origins, our guide is the solution you are looking for.

Follow our steps and become the ultimate animal goods assassin in the game. Your journey awaits!

Animal Goods Assassin'S Creed Origins
"Animal Goods Assassin'S Creed Origins" ~ bbaz


Assassin's Creed Origins is an action-adventure video game that has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. The game is set in ancient Egypt, where players assume the role of Bayek, an assassin on a quest to take revenge on those who killed his son. One of the main aspects of the game is the crafting system, which allows players to use animal goods to upgrade their equipment.

The Importance of Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins

In Assassin's Creed Origins, players can hunt various animals like crocodiles, lions, and hippos, among others. These animals drop different types of animal goods, such as skins, bones, and tusks, which players can use to craft upgrades for their equipment. Crafting upgrades from these animal goods is essential, as it allows players to have an advantage in combat.

The crafting system in the game is intricate, as it involves finding the right combination of animal goods to craft an upgrade. Some upgrades require rare animal goods, which are only available by hunting specific animals in certain locations. Therefore, players need to explore the game world to find the animals that provide the necessary animal goods.

The Types of Animal Goods Available in Assassin's Creed Origins

There are ten types of animal goods available in Assassin's Creed Origins, each with its unique characteristics:

  • Soft Leather - commonly found in small animals like rabbits and foxes.
  • Hard Leather - commonly found in large animals like crocodiles and hippos.
  • Pelt - commonly found in medium-sized animals like leopards and hyenas.
  • Bone - available from various animals like deer and crocodiles.
  • Ivory - obtained from elephants only.
  • Leather - found in most animals, including horses and camels.
  • Iron - available from birds like vultures and eagles.
  • Hides - commonly found in lions and hyenas.
  • Chitin - obtained from scorpions and beetles.
  • Tusk - available only from elephants.

How to Use Animal Goods to Upgrade Equipment

To use animal goods to upgrade equipment, players need to visit a blacksmith and select the upgrade they want to craft. The blacksmith will then show the player what animal goods are necessary for crafting the upgrade. Once the player has gathered all the required animal goods, they can craft the upgrade.

Crafting upgrades improves the equipment's stats, such as damage dealt or the amount of health restored. It also adds unique bonuses, like poisoning enemies or increasing the chance of critical hits. Therefore, it is essential to craft upgrades using the right combination of animal goods to gain advantages during combat.

The Benefits of Hunting Animals in Assassin's Creed Origins

Hunting in Assassin's Creed Origins not only provides animal goods but also has additional benefits. Hunting can reward players with experience points, which are crucial for leveling up and unlocking new abilities. Additionally, hunting specific animals can lead to in-game challenges and achievements.

Hunting also plays an integral part in the game's economy. Players can sell animal goods to merchants, gaining coins to buy new gear or other goods. Moreover, different regions have various animal goods that are valuable to merchants, making hunting a lucrative business.


Animal goods play a vital role in crafting upgrades in Assassin's Creed Origins. The game's intricate crafting system requires players to hunt specific animals and gather the necessary animal goods to craft upgrades. Crafting upgrades from animal goods provides an advantage during combat, as it improves equipment stats and adds unique bonuses. Additionally, hunting in Assassin's Creed Origins has many benefits, including experience points, in-game challenges, and a lucrative business opportunity. Therefore, players need to utilize and explore the game's hunting mechanics to make the most out of their Assassin's Creed Origins experience.

Comparison: Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins


Assassin's Creed Origins is an open-world action-adventure game that takes place in ancient Egypt. The game is known for its attention to detail and historical accuracy. One of the game's many features is the ability to hunt and gather animal goods. Animal goods can be used for crafting, trading, or selling. In this article, we will compare various types of animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins.

Tanning Leather

Leather is one of the most important animal goods in the game. It can be used to craft various types of armor, bags, and quivers. Unlike other animal goods, leather cannot be obtained by looting dead animals. Instead, the player must hunt animals and then use a process called tanning to convert their hides into leather. Tanning involves soaking the hide in water, scraping away the flesh, and then stretching and drying it.


Tanning leather can be time-consuming and requires a lot of materials, but it adds a realistic touch to the game. Hunting and gathering resources are a significant part of survival, and tanning leather is an essential skill in ancient times.

Animal Pelts

Animal pelts are another type of animal good that can be used for crafting. Pelts come in different qualities, depending on the animal's size and rarity. Pelts can be used to craft various types of clothing and decorations.


Pelts are relatively easy to obtain compared to other animal goods, and they are useful for crafting valuable items. However, some players might find it repetitive to constantly hunt animals to acquire pelts.

Animal Bones

Animal bones are a versatile material that can be used for crafting various types of tools and weapons. Bones can be obtained by looting dead animals, and they come in different qualities depending on the animal's size and rarity.


Using animal bones for crafting is a unique feature that sets Assassin's Creed Origins apart from other games. It adds depth to the crafting system and allows players to personalize their tools and weapons.

Animal Meat

Animal meat is another type of animal good that can be obtained by hunting animals. Meat can be used for crafting recipes or for selling to merchants. Different types of animals provide different types of meat, some of which can be rare or difficult to acquire.


Animal meat is essential for survival, but it does not offer as many crafting opportunities as other animal goods. Some players may find it tedious to continuously hunt animals for small amounts of meat.

Animal Parts

Various animal parts, such as teeth, claws, and horns, can be obtained by looting dead animals. Different types of animals provide different types of parts, and they can be used for crafting or as a trade item.


Animal parts add realism to the game and add to the variety of crafting options. However, looting dead animals for parts can be time-consuming and repetitive.


Fish can be caught using a fishing rod or by spearfishing in the water. Different types of fish provide different benefits, such as food or crafting materials.


Fishing adds a fun and challenging aspect to the game. The player must use different techniques depending on the type of fish they are trying to catch.


Sharks are a unique type of creature in the game, and they offer valuable crafting materials. However, they are difficult to hunt and require specific weapons and techniques.


Hunting sharks can be a thrilling experience, and the rewards are worth the effort. However, it may not be everyone's cup of tea due to its difficulty.


In addition to hunting wild animals, players can also tame and ride horses. Different horses have varying levels of stats and speed.


Riding horses is a fun way to explore the vast world of Assassin's Creed Origins. It adds a layer of convenience to traveling and is essential for completing certain missions.


Crocodiles pose a significant threat to players who come across them in the water or on land. However, they offer valuable crafting materials such as skins and bones.


Crocodile hunting can be challenging but rewarding. It adds an element of danger to the game and provides useful materials for crafting.

Table Comparison
Comparing different animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins:
Animal Goods How to Obtain Uses Opinion
Leather Tanning animal hides Crafting armor, bags, and quivers Tedious but adds realism to the game
Pelts Looting dead animals Crafting clothing and decorations Relatively easy to obtain and useful for crafting
Bones Looting dead animals Crafting tools and weapons Unique and adds depth to crafting
Meat Hunting animals Crafting recipes, selling to merchants Essential for survival, but not as many crafting opportunities
Parts Looting dead animals Crafting, trade item Adds variety to crafting options
Fish Fishing or spearfishing Crafting, food Fun and challenging aspect of the game
Sharks Hunting in the water with specific weapons and techniques Crafting materials Thrilling but difficult to hunt
Horses Taming wild horses Riding Convenient and essential for traveling
Crocodiles Hunting on land or in the water Crafting materials Challenging but rewarding


Animal goods are an essential part of Assassin's Creed Origins, and hunting and gathering resources add an element of realism to the game. Tanning leather, obtaining pelts, bones, meat, parts, fishing, hunting sharks, riding horses, and hunting crocodiles offer a variety of gameplay experiences. While some aspects, such as hunting sharks or tanning leather, can be tedious and time-consuming, they add depth and authenticity to the game. Overall, Assassin's Creed Origins offers a rich experience for players who enjoy exploring and crafting in a historical setting.

Tips and Strategies for Finding and Using Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins


Assassin's Creed Origins is an open-world action role-playing game that has captivated gamers around the world. It features a wealth of activities, missions, and resources that players can use to better equip themselves as they progress through the game. One such resource is animal goods, which are essential for upgrading many weapons and outfits. In this article, we will discuss tips and strategies for finding and using animal goods effectively in Assassin's Creed Origins.

Finding Animal Goods

The first step in using animal goods effectively is finding them. Thankfully, there are several ways to do this. One way is to explore the wilderness areas and hunt animals found there. Some of the most common animal goods can be found by hunting animals like hyenas, hippos, crocodiles, and lions. Another way to find animal goods is by looting enemies or buying them from merchants.

Taking Down Dangerous Beasts

When hunting animals, it is important to be cautious and strategic. Some animals, like lions and elephants, are extremely dangerous and can kill players quickly if they are not careful. The best strategy for taking down these beasts is to use ranged weapons like bows and arrows or throwing knives. Players should also take advantage of the environment by hiding behind trees or rocks to avoid getting hit.

Looting Enemies

Another way to find animal goods is by looting defeated enemies. Many enemies in the game carry items that can be used to upgrade weapons and outfits. Players should always loot enemies whenever possible, as the rewards can often be valuable.

Using Animal Goods Effectively

Once players have obtained animal goods, it is important to know how to use them effectively. There are several ways to use animal goods, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Upgrading Weapons

One of the most common uses for animal goods is upgrading weapons. Animal goods can be used to upgrade the damage, accuracy, or range of weapons. Players should consider which aspects of their weapons they want to improve and choose the appropriate animal goods to do so.

Upgrading Outfits

Animal goods can also be used to upgrade outfits. Upgrading outfits can improve players' resistance to certain types of damage or make them harder to detect by enemies. Players should choose the animal goods that best fit their playstyle and upgrade their outfits accordingly.

Crafting Items

Finally, animal goods can be used to craft items. Crafting items can provide players with helpful buffs or special abilities that can make missions and battles easier. Players should consider which items they need most and choose the animal goods that will help them craft those items.


In conclusion, animal goods are an important resource in Assassin's Creed Origins that can significantly improve players' weapons, outfits, and abilities. By hunting animals, looting enemies, and crafting items, players can acquire these goods and use them effectively. With these tips and strategies, players can make the most out of animal goods and become the ultimate assassin.

Animal Goods Assassin’s Creed Origins: The Importance of Hunting and Crafting in the Game

Assassin’s Creed Origins is a game that takes place in ancient Egypt, and the main character, Bayek, is a protector who has to hunt down enemies as well as wild animals. These animals not only serve as formidable foes but also provide unique resources that are essential for crafting gear, consumables and selling for money. In this blog post, we will explore the world of hunting and crafting in Assassin’s Creed Origins, and how they are central to the game experience.

The different types of animals in the game each come with their unique challenges and rewards. For example, crocodiles can be quite challenging to take down, but their hides are very popular with merchants and fetching a high price. Other animals like hippopotamuses, lions, hyenas, and wolves can also be hunted, and the resources gathered from them are useful for crafting, trading, or upgrading your weapons.

In order to hunt effectively, the player needs to be mindful of the environment. For instance, while hunting crocodiles, one needs to be careful because they can swim, so finding a strategically positioned log or small island can help avoid getting caught in a surprise attack. Tracking the animals before initiating an attack also ensures the player is adequately prepared.

There are various tools and weapons that come in handy when hunting like the predator bow which allows you to shoot arrows without alerting animals, traps, and bombs. With these tools and weapons, it is much easier to hunt and optain animal goods without the fear of being attacked. Learning essential skills like double and chain assassinations will ensure that enemies are effectively neutralized.

As a player advances in the game, new crafting materials become available, and the player can now craft better weapons, armor, and gear. Crafting needs some resources that improve damage, health, and enhancements to the player’s gear and increase overall performance. Materials are also sold to shops for gaining currency and to buy consumables such as arrows, bombs, or health regeneration items.

The game has a unique way of crafting through Tombs which majorly have Papyrus puzzles and hidden features. Papyrus puzzles are cryptic notes that are scattered throughout the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins, which reveal rewards like new armor, weapons and upgrades. The information on the Papyrus can be difficult to understand, but once solved, it unlocks treasures containing rare materials essential for crafting.

Another unique feature of hunting and crafting is the animal god system in which Bayek can sacrifice animal goods to the gods for rare rewards. The more goods sacrificed, the better the reward. The sacrificed loot converts into precious currency “Silica'' which can be used to unlock Isu temples containing puzzle pieces that unlock special outfits or other rare loot.

The game rewards players who engage in regular crafting as weapons can be upgraded, which helps in an enemy takedown, and the player gains high currency in return. A well-crafted weapon goes a long way in defeating enemies faster and reducing the chances of a player becoming vulnerable.

In conclusion, hunting and crafting play a vital role in the game as players need to make sure their equipment is up-to-date and battle-ready. Devoting some time to hunting and crafting will help players to prosper effectively in the game enhancing gameplay experience. With every new location and hunting target comes a new reward, each more potent than the last. Make sure to have your crafted weapons on hand, trusty predator bow, and satchels full of traps if you want to emerge from the wilds of Assassin's Creed Origins with the most valuable amount of animal goods. So get out there and hunt some big game!

Thank you for taking the time to read about the importance of hunting and crafting in Assassin’s Creed Origins. Hopefully, with this knowledge, you will enjoy a more rewarding experience with the game.

People Also Ask About Animal Goods in Assassin's Creed Origins

What animal goods can I collect in Assassin's Creed Origins?

You can collect various animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins, including:

  • Animal skins
  • Bones
  • Fangs
  • Feathers
  • Hides
  • Meat

What are animal goods used for in Assassin's Creed Origins?

Animal goods have different uses in Assassin's Creed Origins, such as:

  • Upgrading equipment and weapons
  • Crafting items like arrows, bombs, and pouches
  • Selling to vendors for coins

How do I collect animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins?

You can collect animal goods by hunting animals in the open world or looting them from enemy corpses, treasure chests, and other sources. Some animals are rarer and harder to find than others, so you may need to explore different regions and ambush points to get them.

What are the best animals to hunt for animal goods in Assassin's Creed Origins?

The best animals to hunt for animal goods depend on your needs and location, but some of the most common and valuable ones are:

  1. Crocodiles (for skins and bones)
  2. Hippopotamuses (for hides and fangs)
  3. Hawks (for feathers and meat)
  4. Leopards (for skins and bones)
  5. Lions (for skins and bones)
  6. Scorpions (for tails and venom)
  7. Vultures (for feathers and meat)

Do animal goods respawn in Assassin's Creed Origins?

Animal goods do not respawn in Assassin's Creed Origins, unless you reload a previous save or quit and restart the game. Therefore, it's important to plan your hunting trips carefully and make the most of each animal you kill or loot.