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Unleash Your Wild Side with Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake - Celebrate in Style!

Unleash Your Wild Side with Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake - Celebrate in Style!

Are you a fan of Animal Jam? Do you love celebrating birthdays? Well, get ready for a treat because Animal Jam is turning 7 years old and they have a special surprise for their players – a birthday cake!

This isn't just any ordinary cake. The Animal Jam birthday cake is filled with unique surprises and fun activities that players can enjoy. It's the perfect way to celebrate this wonderful milestone.

Animal Jam is an online game that has been entertaining children and adults alike for the past 7 years. It's a game where players can create their own animal characters, explore different worlds, and make new friends. The game is educational and teaches players about animal conservation and how to take care of the environment.

If you're a player of Animal Jam, you know that the game is always updating and adding new features. The birthday cake is no exception. The cake is filled with mini-games that players can play and win prizes. It's a fun way to celebrate the game's birthday while also enjoying some friendly competition with other players.

The Animal Jam birthday cake is available to all players, but only for a limited time. So, if you want to celebrate the game's birthday and enjoy all the surprises that come with the cake, make sure to log on and play.

Not only is the cake a fun way to celebrate Animal Jam's birthday, but it's also a great opportunity for players to interact and connect with each other. They can form parties and share in the excitement of the game's success.

Animal Jam has come a long way since its initial launch, but its core values have remained the same. The game is all about education, interaction, and having fun. The birthday cake is just another way that the game is promoting these values.

So, what are you waiting for? Log on to Animal Jam and check out the birthday cake. It's the perfect way to celebrate the game's incredible 7-year journey and all the amazing memories it has created for its players.

If you're new to Animal Jam, then what better time to join than during its birthday celebration? You can create your own animal character, explore the worlds of Animal Jam, and enjoy all the birthday surprises that come with the cake.

The Animal Jam team has been working hard to make sure that this birthday celebration is unforgettable. They've put a lot of effort into creating the cake and all the fun activities that come with it. It's a true testament to the game's success and the love that its players have for it.

In conclusion, the Animal Jam birthday cake is a must-see for any player of the game. It's packed full of fun surprises, mini-games, and activities that will keep you entertained for hours. So, log on to Animal Jam and join in on the celebration – you won't be disappointed!

Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake
"Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake" ~ bbaz

Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake: Celebrate with a Sweet Treat!

Are you ready to celebrate the seventh birthday of Animal Jam? If so, you're in for a treat! This year, players all around the world will be able to enjoy a delicious birthday cake in-game. Decked out with sweet frosting and colorful decorations, this cake is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

The Perfect Party Companion

No birthday party is complete without a cake, and the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is the perfect addition to any celebration. Whether you're hosting a party for your buddies or just want to enjoy some cake on your own, this tasty treat is sure to hit the spot.

Not only does the cake taste amazing, but it also looks great too! With bright colors and fun decorations, the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is the perfect centerpiece for any jam-tastic party. Plus, it's a great way to show off your love for AJ!

A Taste of Sweetness

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a dessert that's not only gorgeous to look at but also incredible to taste. The cake is moist and fluffy, with a sweet vanilla flavor that will leave you craving more. And the frosting? It's the perfect combination of buttery richness and sugary sweetness.

Whether you're eating a slice of cake by yourself or sharing it with friends, the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a delightful indulgence. Just make sure you have a glass of milk on hand to wash it down!

An Exclusive In-Game Item

If you're an Animal Jam player, you won't want to miss out on the chance to snag this exclusive in-game item. The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is only available for a limited time, so make sure you log in to the game and get your hands on it before it's too late.

Not only is the cake a fun addition to your in-game collection, but it's also a great way to commemorate seven years of Animal Jam. As one of the most beloved kids' games online, AJ has been entertaining players of all ages for years. What better way to celebrate than with a delicious cake?

Get Involved in the Fun

If you're not an Animal Jam player yet, now is the perfect time to get involved in the fun. With tons of exciting features, mini-games, and exclusive events, there's always something new to discover in AJ.

And with the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake event happening right now, there's never been a better time to get started. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new player, everyone can enjoy this sweet treat and join in on the celebration.


The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a fun and delicious way to celebrate seven years of one of the most popular kids' games online. With its bright colors and tasty flavors, this cake is the perfect addition to any party or celebration. So gather your buddies, log in to Animal Jam, and get ready to enjoy some cake!

Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake: A Comparison


It's hard to believe that Animal Jam, the popular online game for kids, is already seven years old. To celebrate, the developers have released a limited edition birthday cake. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the birthday cake and compare it to other cakes in the game.

The Basics

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a four-layered cake with frosting and sprinkles. It also comes with candles and a cake slice item that players can use to wear on their animal avatars. The cake can be purchased in the game's Diamond Shop for 5 diamonds.

Price Comparison

When compared to other cakes in the game, the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is quite expensive. For example, the Basic Cake in the Bakery sells for only 250 gems, which is significantly cheaper than 5 diamonds. However, the 7th Birthday Cake is a limited edition item, which may make it worth the price for some players.

Taste Test

Of course, players can't actually taste the birthday cake in the game, but we can still compare its appearance to other cakes in the game. The frosting on the 7th Birthday Cake is pink and purple, which gives it a festive look. The sprinkles are also multi-colored and add to the overall appearance of the cake.

Appearance Comparison

Compared to other cakes in the game, the 7th Birthday Cake is definitely one of the more visually appealing options. For example, the Rainbow Cake in the Bakery has a similar color scheme but doesn't have the same level of detail as the birthday cake.

Cake Slice Item

One unique aspect of the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is the cake slice item that comes with it. This item can be worn on a player's animal avatar and is a fun way to show off the birthday cake.

Item Comparison

Compared to other food items in the game, the cake slice is definitely one of the more unique options. However, it doesn't provide any gameplay benefits and is purely cosmetic.

Birthday Cakes in Other Games

Animal Jam isn't the only online game that features birthday cakes. In fact, many games use birthdays as an opportunity to release limited edition items or hold special events.

Comparison to Other Games

In terms of limited edition birthday items, Animal Jam's 7th Birthday Cake is definitely on par with other games. For example, popular mobile game Candy Crush released a special birthday event where players could win prizes by completing levels.

Opinions from Players

As with anything in a game, players have varying opinions on the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake. Some players feel that it's overpriced and not worth the diamonds, while others are excited to add it to their collection of limited edition items.

Player Comparison

Overall, it seems that the majority of players enjoy the aesthetics of the 7th Birthday Cake and appreciate the effort put into its design. However, the price point is definitely a sticking point for some players.


After comparing the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake to other cakes in the game and birthday cakes in other games, it's clear that this is a well-designed and visually appealing item. While the price may be high for some players, the limited edition aspect of the cake makes it a desirable item for those looking to collect all of the limited edition items in the game.

Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake: Tips and Tutorial


Animal Jam, the popular online game for kids, turned seven this year. To celebrate this milestone, the game released a special item: The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake. This cake is a perfect addition to your den if you are a party-goer or just want to decorate your den with something new.

What is Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake?

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a special cake that was released on September 16th, 2019. It is available for purchase at the Diamond Shop for 5 diamonds. The cake comes in five different colors: blue, green, pink, purple, and yellow.

How to use the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake?

Once you have purchased the cake, it will be added to your inventory. To use it, click on the item and select Place Item. You can place the cake in your den or any other area where you are allowed to place items. Once placed, you can interact with the cake by clicking on it. A small menu will pop up, allowing you to choose between four different actions: Eat Cake, Admire Cake, Blow Out Candles, and Slice Cake.

Tips for using the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake

Tip #1: Choose the right color for your den

As mentioned earlier, the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake comes in five different colors. Make sure to choose the right color for your den. If your den has a blue theme, for example, the blue cake would be a perfect addition. Similarly, if your den has a green theme, go for the green cake.

Tip #2: Place the cake in a central location

To make the most out of the cake, place it in a central location in your den. This way, more people can interact with it and enjoy the fun actions that come with it.

Tip #3: Invite friends over for a party

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is perfect for hosting a party in your den. Invite your friends over to celebrate Animal Jam's birthday and enjoy the cake together.

Tutorial on using the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake

Step 1: Purchase the cake from the Diamond Shop

To use the Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake, you must first purchase it from the Diamond Shop. It costs five diamonds, which can be earned by playing games or buying them with real money.

Step 2: Place the cake in your den

Once you have purchased the cake, go to your inventory and select it. Click Place Item and choose a spot in your den where you want to place it.

Step 3: Interact with the cake

Once the cake is placed, interact with it by clicking on it. A menu will appear, allowing you to choose between four different actions: Eat Cake, Admire Cake, Blow Out Candles, and Slice Cake. Choose the action you want and enjoy the fun.

Step 4: Share the cake with friends

If you are hosting a party in your den, share the cake with your friends. They can also interact with the cake and have fun.


The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a fun addition to your den. Follow these tips and tutorial to make the most out of it. Happy birthday, Animal Jam!

Animal Jam Celebrates its 7th Birthday with a Sweet Cake

The online game, Animal Jam, has been a popular gaming platform for seven years now. To mark the milestone, Animal Jam created a virtual birthday cake that players can claim in-game. It's a fun way to celebrate the occasion and gives players a chance to feel included in the festivities.

The virtual cake features an intricate design with seven layers, each one representing one year of the game's existence. The cake is adorned with decorations like frosting, candles, and sprinkles, making it look as delicious as it does festive.

Players who log in to Animal Jam can claim the birthday cake by visiting a designated area in the game. It's an easy process that only takes a few seconds. Once you have claimed the cake, you can display it in your virtual home or anywhere else in-game that you like.

But the virtual birthday cake isn't the only way Animal Jam is celebrating its seventh birthday. The game is also holding a special event for all players to enjoy. During the event, players can complete challenges and quests to earn prizes and rewards. The birthday event is a great opportunity for players to get together and participate in some fun activities.

Over the years, Animal Jam has become well-known for its animal-themed gameplay and its educational value. The game not only provides hours of entertainment but also teaches kids about nature and wildlife. Many teachers use Animal Jam as a teaching tool in their classrooms, which speaks volumes about the game's educational quality.

Animal Jam is also known for being a safe and friendly online environment for kids. Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are playing in a space that is free from violence, bad language, or other inappropriate content.

With its seventh birthday cake and special event, Animal Jam continues to be a favorite among kids and parents alike. The game's positive reputation and dedication to education make it a top choice for families who want an engaging and safe gaming experience.

To conclude, Animal Jam has come a long way since its launch. The game has created a space where kids can learn about the world around them while having fun. The virtual cake and birthday celebration are just one of the many ways that Animal Jam rewards its loyal players. As the game continues to grow and evolve, we can't wait to see what they will come up with next.

So, if you haven't already, head over to Animal Jam to claim your virtual birthday cake and join in on the fun!

People Also Ask About Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake

What is Animal Jam?

Animal Jam is a popular online virtual world game created by WildWorks in partnership with the National Geographic Society. The game allows players to create their own animal avatars, explore different lands, and participate in educational activities.

What is Animal Jam's 7th birthday cake?

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a limited edition item that was released in celebration of the game's 7th year anniversary. It is a cake-shaped den item that players can use to decorate their dens or trade with other players.

How can I get the Animal Jam 7th birthday cake?

The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake was only available for a limited time during the game's anniversary celebration. If you missed the event, you may be able to trade with other players who have the item.

What other rare items can I find in Animal Jam?

Animal Jam offers a variety of rare and collectible items that can be obtained through special events or trading with other players. Some popular items include rare plushies, clothing, and den items such as crystal sands and rare spike collars.

Are there any cheats or hacks to get rare items in Animal Jam?

No, there are no legitimate cheats or hacks to obtain rare items in Animal Jam. Attempting to cheat or hack the game may result in account suspension or banishment.

  • Overall, Animal Jam is a fun and educational game that has been enjoyed by millions of players worldwide.
  • The Animal Jam 7th Birthday Cake is a limited edition item that was released in celebration of the game's 7th year anniversary.
  • You can trade with other players to acquire rare items in Animal Jam, but there are no legitimate cheats or hacks to obtain them.