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Discover the Exciting World of Animal Jam's Second Glitched Ring - Unleash Your Adventure!

Discover the Exciting World of Animal Jam's Second Glitched Ring - Unleash Your Adventure!

Are you a fan of Animal Jam? Are you on the hunt for rare items to add to your collection? Look no further than the Second Glitched Ring!

This glitched ring is the perfect addition to any Animal Jam player's inventory. Its unique design and rarity make it a highly sought-after item among collectors.

But what exactly is the Second Glitched Ring, and how can you get your hands on one? Let's dive into the details.

First off, the Second Glitched Ring is a member-only item that was released in 2016. It was only available for a limited time, making it even more valuable to those lucky enough to have it.

So, what makes this ring so special? For starters, it comes with a unique glitch effect that makes it stand out from other items. When worn by an animal, the ring creates a swirling glitch pattern around them, adding an extra level of coolness to your look.

But perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Second Glitched Ring is its rarity. It's not often that you come across such a unique item in Animal Jam, making it a treasure for any collector.

Of course, if you're on the hunt for the Second Glitched Ring, you might be wondering how to get your hands on one. Unfortunately, it's not currently available for purchase in the game's store.

But don't worry – there are still ways to obtain this coveted item. Some players trade their Second Glitched Rings for other valuable items, so keep an eye out for those opportunities.

You can also try your luck in the game's trading system. Many players will offer to trade rare items, including the Second Glitched Ring, for other high-value objects.

Alternatively, you can join an Animal Jam trading group on social media. These groups are filled with fans of the game who are constantly trading items and may be willing to part with their Second Glitched Ring for the right offer.

But be warned – since the Second Glitched Ring is so rare, it can come with a hefty price tag. Make sure you're only trading with players you trust and are getting a fair deal.

In conclusion, if you're looking to add some rare and unique items to your Animal Jam collection, the Second Glitched Ring is a must-have. Although it may take some effort to obtain, the ring's cool glitch effect and rarity make it well worth the hunt.

So what are you waiting for? Start searching for that Second Glitched Ring and add a little extra awesomeness to your Animal Jam style.

Animal Jam Second Glitched Ring
"Animal Jam Second Glitched Ring" ~ bbaz


Animal Jam is a popular online game among children and adolescents worldwide. Children can create avatars, play games, chat with each other, and explore a virtual world filled with different animals. The game also offers players the opportunity to buy various items, including clothing, accessories, and jewelry, for their avatars. One such item is the Glitched Ring, which has become increasingly popular among players due to its rarity and unique features.

The Glitched Ring

The Glitched Ring is a rare item that has been sold in Animal Jam for several years now. It is different from other rings available in the game because it is glitched, meaning that it has a unique appearance and features. The Glitched Ring is considered a status symbol among players due to its rarity and the fact that it is difficult to obtain. Many players consider owning a Glitched Ring to be an achievement and a mark of their dedication to the game.

How to Obtain the Glitched Ring

The Glitched Ring is not available for purchase in the game's store. Instead, players must trade for it with other players. However, due to its rarity, the Glitched Ring is expensive and can sometimes cost up to 50 or 60 rare items. Some players choose to trade valuable items such as exclusive clothing or accessories to obtain a Glitched Ring. Alternatively, players can try their luck by trading for it at the game's Player Trading System (PTS) or by participating in rare item giveaways on social media platforms.

The Second Glitched Ring

Recently, a second Glitched Ring has become available in Animal Jam. This new ring looks identical to the original Glitched Ring and has similar features. However, it is even rarer and more difficult to obtain than the first Glitched Ring. The Second Glitched Ring has quickly gained popularity among players, and many are eager to add it to their collection.

How to Get the Second Glitched Ring

Players can obtain the Second Glitched Ring by getting lucky during the Phantom Dimension adventure available in the game. However, it is essential to note that the ring's appearance is only visible after the player has already completed the adventure. The Second Glitched Ring sells for an exorbitant amount of rare items compared to the first Glitched Ring. It is not uncommon for players to trade 100 or more rare items to obtain a Second Glitched Ring. Due to its rarity, many players may never own this ring, making it a highly coveted item.

Why Are Glitched Rings So Popular?

Glitched Rings are popular among players because of their unique and rare appearance. They signify an achievement for players who have invested time and effort into collecting rare items and trading with other players. Players with Glitched Rings are often seen as elite and admired by others who covet these coveted items. Additionally, owning a Glitched Ring is a way to demonstrate one's expertise in the game and status among fellow Animal Jam enthusiasts.

The Pros and Cons of Owning a Glitched Ring

While owning a Glitched Ring is undoubtedly a thrilling accomplishment, it also has some downsides. The first being the cost. Trading rare items for a Glitched Ring can take a long time and may require players to part with valuable items they cherish. Additionally, owning a Glitched Ring puts a lot of pressure on players to be vigilant about their Animal Jam accounts' safety. Scammers and hackers will often target players with coveted rare items such as Glitched Rings. Therefore, players must be careful while trading and keep their accounts secure.


Animal Jam's Glitched Rings are the perfect example of the excitement and pride the virtual world can bring to children. With its unique appearance, rarity, and difficulty in obtaining, the Glitched Rings are a status symbol among players who have invested time, effort, and often real money into getting them. While owning one is thrilling, it also comes with risks and extra responsibility. Regardless, owning a Glitched Ring is a remarkable feat and serves as a testament to the dedication some players have to Animal Jam's world.

Animal Jam Second Glitched Ring Comparison: Is it Worth Getting?

Animal Jam is a virtual world game that has been popular among kids for over a decade now. The game features cute animal characters, a vast world to explore, and plenty of customization options, making it an engaging experience for young players. One of the biggest draws to the game is the availability of rare items. Among these rare items is the coveted Second Glitched Ring. In this article, we will compare the Second Glitched Ring to other rare items in Animal Jam to determine if it is worth getting.

The Second Glitched Ring

The Second Glitched Ring is one of the rarest items in Animal Jam. It was originally released on April 1, 2015, as an April Fools' Day joke. However, it quickly became a sought-after item due to its unique glitch design and rarity. The ring is no longer available in stores, making it even more valuable to collectors. The Second Glitched Ring can be worn by all animals and comes in eight different colors: pink, blue, green, purple, yellow, orange, red, and black.

Comparison with other Rare Rings

The Second Glitched Ring is not the only rare ring available in Animal Jam. There are several other rings that players can collect. One of the most popular is the Rare Ring, which was first introduced in September 2012. Unlike the Second Glitched Ring, the Rare Ring is not glitched but is still a sought-after item due to its rarity. The Rare Ring comes in five different colors: pink, blue, green, purple, and yellow.

Another rare ring in Animal Jam is the Spike Wristband. This item was first introduced in July 2012 as part of the Summer Carnival. Unlike the other two rings, the Spike Wristband is not a ring but a wristband. It is popular among players and comes in several different colors.

When comparing the Second Glitched Ring to other rare rings in Animal Jam, it is clear that the Second Glitched Ring is the rarest of them all. This makes it a highly valuable item for collectors and players who want to stand out in the game.

How to Get Second Glitched Ring

Gone are the days when players could buy the Second Glitched Ring in stores. The only way to get your hands on this rare item now is to trade with other players or win one in a giveaway. As with any rare item, the Second Glitched Ring's value can vary depending on the demand and supply of the item at the time.

Trading for the Second Glitched Ring

The most common way to get a Second Glitched Ring is by trading with other players. However, this can be a difficult task as the item is relatively rare, and not many players have it. To trade for a Second Glitched Ring, players will need to offer other rare items or a large amount of in-game currency.

Giveaways and Contests

Another way to get a Second Glitched Ring is by participating in giveaways and contests hosted by other players or groups. These events require players to perform certain tasks, such as creating fan art or completing quizzes, to enter. Players who win these events usually get rare items as prizes, such as the Second Glitched Ring.

Should You Get a Second Glitched Ring?

Whether or not to get a Second Glitched Ring depends on what you want to achieve in Animal Jam. If you are a collector or a player who wants to stand out, then the Second Glitched Ring is definitely worth getting. The rare item will make you the envy of other players, and you will be able to show off your collection of rare items.

However, if you are not interested in collecting rare items, then the Second Glitched Ring may not be worth the effort and cost. There are plenty of other customization options in Animal Jam that can make your character look unique without needing to go after rare items.


In conclusion, the Second Glitched Ring is undoubtedly one of the rarest and most sought-after items in Animal Jam. While it may be difficult to obtain, the reward is worth it for collectors and players who want to stand out. However, if you are not interested in rare items, there are plenty of other customization options within the game that can be just as satisfying.

Item Rarity Price Range
Second Glitched Ring Ultra Rare Priceless
Rare Ring Rare 2,000 to 3,500 gems
Spike Wristband Rare 4,000 to 6,000 gems

Opinion: As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences, but I can recommend that players consider getting a Second Glitched Ring if they want to show off their collection of rare items. However, it may not be worth it for players who are not interested in collecting rare items.

Tips and Tricks to Get the Second Glitched Ring in Animal Jam


Animal Jam, a massively multiplayer online game, is widely popular among kids and adults alike. People love to play the game as it allows them to role-play as animals and meet new friends. The game has many features, including mini-games, items, and accessories, that players can use to customize their characters. One of these coveted features is the Glitched Rings.

What are Glitched Rings?

Glitched Rings are unique items in the game that are highly sought after by players. These rings, as the name suggests, are glitched items, meaning they do not have a designated place in the game's database, thus making them impossible to obtain through ordinary gameplay. There are two types of Glitched Rings in Animal Jam, the First and the Second Glitched Rings.

What is the Second Glitched Ring?

The Second Glitched Ring was first introduced in 2018 and is currently one of the rarest items in the game. The ring is characterized by its unique design and its glowing effect, which makes it stand out from other items.

How to Get the Second Glitched Ring?

Getting the Second Glitched Ring is quite challenging, and there is no definite way of obtaining it. However, there are some tricks and tips that players can use to increase their chances of getting the item.

Trade Smartly

One of the easiest ways to get the Second Glitched Ring is through trading. Players can exchange their items with each other, and sometimes, the Second Glitched Ring might come up as an offer. However, players need to be careful when trading as some people might try to scam them.

Join Giveaways and Contests

Another way of getting the Second Glitched Ring is by participating in giveaways and contests. Some players might host competitions where the reward is a Second Glitched Ring. Players can join these events and try their luck.

Keep an Eye on Trading Websites

Players can also keep an eye on trading websites, which showcase items that are being traded in the game. These websites might sometimes feature the Second Glitched Ring, and players can make offers to the seller.

Befriend Other Players

Lastly, players can improve their chances of obtaining a Second Glitched Ring by building friendships with other players. Sometimes, players might offer their friends exclusive items like the Second Glitched Ring as a token of their friendship.


In conclusion, getting the Second Glitched Ring in Animal Jam is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. Players need to be persistent and use the tips and tricks mentioned above to increase their chances of getting the prized item. Remember to trade smartly, join giveaways, keep an eye on online trading websites, and build friendships with other players. Who knows, you might just get lucky and end up with a Second Glitched Ring in your inventory.

Animal Jam Second Glitched Ring: Everything You Need to Know

If you're a dedicated Animal Jam player, you've likely heard about the Second Glitched Ring. This item has caused quite a stir in the AJ community, with rumors and speculation flying fast and furious. But what is the Second Glitched Ring, exactly? And why is everyone so obsessed with it?

Let's start with the basics. The Second Glitched Ring is an extremely rare item that can be obtained by trading in-game items with other players. It's a variation of the original Glitched Ring, which was first discovered back in 2018. While the original Glitched Ring was a prized possession among collectors, the Second Glitched Ring has caused an even bigger sensation due to its unique properties.

First off, the Second Glitched Ring is untradable. This means that once it's in your possession, you can't trade it with anyone else. Additionally, the item is cursed - or at least, that's what many players believe. Some report strange glitches and errors occurring after obtaining the ring, while others claim they've experienced nothing out of the ordinary.

So, what makes the Second Glitched Ring so coveted? For one, it's incredibly rare. There are only a handful of confirmed sightings online, and obtaining one requires a great deal of luck and skill. Additionally, the mystery surrounding the item has made it all the more intriguing to collectors and casual players alike.

Despite the excitement surrounding the Second Glitched Ring, however, it's important to remember that it is just a virtual item within a game. While the item may hold sentimental or personal value to some players, it should never take priority over real-life responsibilities or relationships. Remember to game responsibly and prioritize your wellbeing above all else.

If you're interested in obtaining a Second Glitched Ring for yourself, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, the item is highly sought-after, so be prepared to offer valuable items in exchange if you hope to obtain one through trading. Additionally, keep in mind that the ring is untradable once obtained, so make sure you're happy with the items you're offering before making the trade.

It's also important to note that some players believe the Second Glitched Ring to be cursed or harmful in some way. While this is likely just speculation, it's important to approach the item with caution and prioritize your own wellbeing.

In general, it's always a good idea to be cautious when trading items in Animal Jam or any online game. Make sure you trust the person you're trading with and don't give away anything valuable without proper verification of the other player's intentions and credibility.

In conclusion, the Second Glitched Ring is a rare and highly coveted item within the Animal Jam community. While its unique status has led to excitement and speculation, it's important to remember that it is just a virtual item within a game. As with any online community, practice caution and prioritize your own wellbeing above all else.

Thank you for reading, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Animal Jam Second Glitched Ring

What is the second glitched ring in Animal Jam?

The second glitched ring in Animal Jam is an item that was accidentally released in the game's code. It is a rare item that has been sought after by many players, especially those who collect rare and unique items in the game.

How can I get the second glitched ring in Animal Jam?

Getting the second glitched ring in Animal Jam is difficult as it is a rare item that was accidentally released in the game's code. Some players have reported getting the ring from completing certain quests or from trading with other players who already have the ring.

Is the second glitched ring in Animal Jam worth trading for?

It depends on the individual player's preferences. The second glitched ring in Animal Jam is a rare item, which makes it valuable to collectors. If you are a collector and want to have a complete collection of rare items in the game, then it might be worth trading for. However, if you do not care much about collecting rare items, then it might not be worth it.

Can I trade the second glitched ring in Animal Jam?

Yes, you can trade the second glitched ring in Animal Jam. However, since it is a rare item, some players might ask for a lot in return. It is recommended to only trade with players who have a good reputation in the game and have positive feedback from other players.

How can I tell if the second glitched ring in Animal Jam is real?

It can be difficult to tell if the second glitched ring in Animal Jam is real or fake. Some players have created fake versions of the ring to scam others. It is important to trade with trusted players and to check the item's authenticity beforehand. You can do this by researching the item, checking with other players who have the ring, or seeking help from moderators in the game.


The second glitched ring in Animal Jam is a rare item that has been sought after by many players. While it can be difficult to obtain and verify its authenticity, players who collect unique and rare items in the game may find it worthwhile to trade for. It is always important to research and trade with trusted players to avoid scams and possible fraudulent trades.