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Effective and Affordable Animal Control Services in Newport News, Virginia - Keep Your Community Safe

Effective and Affordable Animal Control Services in Newport News, Virginia - Keep Your Community Safe
Animal Control in Newport News, Virginia: The Solution to Your Pet ProblemsDo you live in Newport News, Virginia? Are you facing a pet-related problem and can't find the solution? Look no further! Newport News Animal Control is here to help you with all your animal problems. Whether you have a lost pet, a nuisance animal in your neighborhood or need advice on how to care for your pets, we've got you covered.At Newport News Animal Control, we believe that all animals deserve to be treated with care and compassion. Our trained professionals are dedicated to ensuring the safety and welfare of animals in our community. Our goal is to keep both pets and people safe while fostering a harmonious relationship between them.Did you know that over 6 million pets end up in shelters every year? Unfortunately, not all animals have loving owners who take care of them. That's why it's important to work with a trusted and reliable animal control agency like Newport News Animal Control. We strive to ensure that lost or stray animals are reunited with their owners, while also providing medical care and shelter to those in need.One of the most common problems faced by pet owners is dealing with nuisance animals. These animals can cause damage to property, pose a threat to other pets, and even become dangerous to humans. We understand how difficult it can be to deal with these animals on your own. That's why we offer wildlife control services to help you get rid of these pesky creatures in a safe and humane way.Are you worried about the safety of your pets while you're away at work or on vacation? Don't stress anymore! Newport News Animal Control offers pet sitting and dog walking services. Our professional team will ensure that your furry friends are well-cared for and get enough exercise, giving you peace of mind knowing they're in good hands.Now you may be wondering, Why should I choose Newport News Animal Control over any other animal control agency? The answer is simple. At Newport News Animal Control, we value our community and strive to provide the best possible service. We're a trusted name in the industry, known for our professionalism, expertise, and compassion towards animals.In conclusion, if you're looking for the perfect solution to your pet problems in Newport News, Virginia, look no further than Newport News Animal Control. Our services are designed to meet your unique needs and ensure that all animals are treated with care and respect. So, why wait? Contact us today and let us help you take care of your pets!
Animal Control Newport News Virginia
"Animal Control Newport News Virginia" ~ bbaz

Animal control is vital and essential in upholding public health and safety standards. In Newport News, Virginia, animal control services are available to ensure that the city remains safe for its residents and animals. The City of Newport News Animal Services Division exists to protect animals and their human companions from harm while advocating for positive interaction between both groups.

Responsibilities of Animal Control in Newport News, Virginia

The Animal Services Division has various responsibilities, including providing animal care, enforcement and administration of animal ordinances, promoting responsible pet ownership, and working to reduce conflicts between domestic animals and wildlife. They are committed to meeting their responsibilities while promoting public safety, as well as the welfare of both domestic animals and wildlife.

Newport News Animal Services focus on providing animal care to injured animals that require attention, whether it be from natural causes or medical issues. This service ensures that animals receive adequate medical treatment and are provided with a safe environment until they can be reunited with their owners or placed in suitable homes.

Enforcement of Animal Ordinances

In addition to caring for animals, the animal control agency plays a significant role in enforcing animal regulations and local ordinances. These laws are meant to protect animals and the community from danger and disturbances that may result from interactions between animals and humans. Such regulations, for example, require citizens to license their pets and provide them with adequate nutrition, shelter, and basic care needs.

Animal Service Officers (ASOs) are responsible for enforcing these regulations while educating residents and promoting responsible pet ownership within the city. Non-compliant pet owners may receive fines or other forms of penalties as enforcement methods.

Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership

The City of Newport News encourages responsible pet ownership to maintain a healthy and happy relationship between humans and animals. An important aspect of responsible pet ownership is ensuring that pets are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and receive regular veterinary care to reduce the spread of diseases and negative interactions.

Newport News Animal Services also offer advice and education on how to maintain a healthy environment for both the pets and their owners. More so, the agency provides animal behavior counseling that helps pet owners address underlying behavioral issues that may pose risks to other animals or humans.

Reducing Conflicts between Domestic Animals and Wildlife

Part of promoting responsible pet ownership also involves reducing conflicts between domestic animals and wildlife. Wild animals can be dangerous to domesticated animals; therefore, Newport News Animal Services provides advisories and guidelines to pet owners that promote safe interaction between their pets and wild animals while minimizing conflicts.


The City of Newport News Animal Services Division plays an essential role in ensuring that residents and animals stay safe while maintaining a healthy balance between humans, animals, and wildlife. The agency achieves its objectives by providing animal care, enforcing regulations while promoting responsible pet ownership and managing interactions between domesticated animals and wildlife.

If you need animal control services in Newport News, Virginia, you can always rely on the dedicated team of Animal Services professionals to meet your needs and provide the necessary resources for a healthy, safe, and happy environment for all.

Comparing Animal Control in Newport News, Virginia


Animal control services are vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of both humans and animals. In Newport News, Virginia, there are two main animal control organizations – the city's Animal Services Division and the Virginia Beach SPCA's Wildlife Response Program. This comparison blog article will delve into the similarities and differences between these two entities in terms of their services, resources, policies, and achievements.

Services Offered

The Animal Services Division of Newport News provides a range of animal control services to its residents such as animal rescue, adoption and rehoming, spay and neuter programs, animal sheltering, and animal cruelty investigations. They also operate an education and outreach program that aims to promote responsible pet ownership, wildlife conservation, and community engagement. On the other hand, the Virginia Beach SPCA's Wildlife Response Program focuses primarily on rescuing and rehabilitating injured and orphaned wild animals, particularly those affected by human activities such as urbanization, pollution, and hunting. They work closely with wildlife veterinarians and other experts to provide medical care, release programs, and wildlife advocacy.

Resources and Facilities

The Animal Services Division of Newport News currently operates an animal shelter that can house up to 80 dogs and cats, as well as a separate building for quarantine and isolation. They also have several animal control officers who respond to calls from the public, patrol for strays, and enforce local and state animal laws. In terms of technology, they use an online database and tracking system called PetPoint to manage their intake, adoptions, and medical records. Meanwhile, the Virginia Beach SPCA WRP does not have a physical animal center, but they have a network of trained wildlife rehabilitators who provide care for animals in their homes. They also work with several partner organizations and volunteers to transport and release animals back into the wild.

Policies and Regulations

The Animal Services Division of Newport News operates under the authority of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, which sets standards for animal care, sheltering, and euthanasia. They also comply with the city's animal ordinances, which specify licensing, vaccination, and leash laws for dogs and cats. In addition, they enforce state laws that prohibit animal cruelty, neglect, and abuse. The agency follows a no-kill policy, meaning they do not euthanize healthy or treatable animals unless required by law or due to severe behavior or medical issues. On the other hand, the Virginia Beach SPCA WRP is governed by federal and state wildlife regulations, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Endangered Species Act. They also follow ethical guidelines for wildlife rehabilitation that prioritize the animal's welfare, safety, and sustainability.

Achievements and Challenges

Over the years, both animal control organizations have faced numerous challenges and achieved notable successes in their missions. The Animal Services Division of Newport News has reduced its euthanasia rates from 70% to less than 10% over the past decade, thanks to increased adoptions, spay/neuter services, and partnerships with rescue groups. They have also received grants and awards for their innovative programs, such as the Paws-to-Read program that involves children reading to dogs at the shelter. However, they still struggle with limited resources, overcrowding, and staffing shortages. On the other hand, the Virginia Beach SPCA WRP has rescued and rehabilitated thousands of wild animals since its inception in 1997, including bald eagles, pelicans, sea turtles, and foxes. They have expanded their reach through outreach events, training workshops, and advocacy efforts. However, they also face challenges such as increasing demand for their services, societal attitudes towards wildlife, and climate change.


In conclusion, the animal control services in Newport News, Virginia offer a range of services and resources to promote animal welfare and public safety. The Animal Services Division of Newport News focuses on domestic animal care, while the Virginia Beach SPCA's Wildlife Response Program specializes in wildlife rehabilitation. Both organizations follow policies and regulations that prioritize animal health and sustainability, although they face different challenges and achievements. Overall, it is important to recognize and support the vital work that these animal control agencies do in caring for our furry and feathered friends.

Animal Control Newport News Virginia – Tips and Tutorial


Animal Control is a broad term that covers a variety of services. These services are aimed at ensuring that both humans and animals coexist peacefully in the same environment. If you live in Newport News, Virginia, and need help with animal control issues, there are many resources available to you. In this tutorial, we will outline some important tips and tricks for dealing with common animal control issues in Newport News.

Know the Laws

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the local laws regarding animal control in Newport News. This includes understanding leash laws, licensing requirements, and restrictions on certain types of pets. By being aware of the laws, you can avoid breaking them and find the appropriate resources to deal with any issues that arise.

Take Steps to Avoid Attracting Nuisance Animals

Nuisance animals such as raccoons, possums, and skunks can be attracted to your property if you leave out food or garbage. Take steps to secure trash cans, ensure that pet food is not left outside, and clean up any fallen fruit from trees. This will help discourage nuisance animals from taking up residence on your property.

What to Do if You Encounter a Wild Animal

If you encounter a wild animal, it is essential to keep a safe distance and avoid approaching. If the animal appears to be injured or acting aggressively, do not attempt to handle it yourself. Instead, contact Animal Control for help in safely removing the animal.

Spay or Neuter Your Pets

Consider spaying or neutering your pets to help control the pet population in Newport News. This will reduce the number of stray animals and prevent overcrowding in shelters. Additionally, spayed or neutered pets tend to be less aggressive and exhibit fewer behavioral issues.

Report Animal Neglect or Abuse

If you suspect that an animal is being neglected or abused, it is important to report it to authorities. Signs of neglect or abuse can include thinness, lack of food or water, and visible signs of injury. By reporting suspected abuse or neglect, you can help ensure that animals are treated humanely.

Be Prepared in Case of an Emergency

It is important to be prepared in case of an emergency involving an animal. This might include having the contact information for Animal Control on hand or having a first aid kit designed for pets. Being prepared can help you take quick action in the event of an emergency.

Take Steps to Prevent Pet Escapes

Pets are often prone to wandering and getting lost. Take steps to prevent pet escapes by ensuring that your pets have ID tags and microchips. Additionally, make sure that gates and doors are secured so that pets cannot escape.

Learn Proper Handling Techniques for Domestic Animals

If you own a domestic animal such as a dog or cat, it is important to learn proper handling techniques. This includes understanding how to safely pick up and restrain animals and how to handle aggressive or fearful animals. By learning proper handling techniques, you can keep both yourself and your pet safe.


By following these tips and tricks, you can help ensure that animals and humans coexist peacefully in Newport News. Remember to always take appropriate action when dealing with animal-related issues and to report any concerns to Animal Control. By working together, we can create a safe and harmonious environment for all.

Animal Control Newport News Virginia: Keeping Our Community Safe and Compassionate

Animal control is an essential part of any community as it safeguards the welfare of both animals and humans. In Newport News, Virginia, the Animal Control Department plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of animals and residents alike. Read on to learn more about animal control in Newport News and how they maintain a safe and compassionate community.

What is Animal Control?

Animal control is a government service that focuses on enforcing animal-related laws and regulations. They are responsible for handling animal complaints, rescuing lost or injured animals, addressing issues related to wildlife, and promoting public education on animal-related topics. They work to ensure that domestic animals are properly cared for and that wildlife is protected and managed responsibly.

What Does the Animal Control Department in Newport News Do?

The Animal Control Department in Newport News provides a range of services to the community, including:

  • Responding to animal-related complaints and reports of stray, dangerous or injured animals.
  • Investigating cases of animal abuse or neglect.
  • Rescuing and transporting lost or injured animals.
  • Providing animal education programs for schools and community groups.
  • Managing and maintaining the city animal shelter.

Role of Animal Control in Public Safety

Animal control officers play a vital role in protecting public safety. They work to enforce laws related to animal welfare and prevent potential dangerous situations with domestic animals or wildlife. The Animal Control Department in Newport News conducts extensive investigations and collaborates with other government agencies to ensure that citizens, domestic animals, and wildlife remain safe and protected.

Encouraging Responsible Pet Ownership

The Animal Control Department in Newport News strives to promote responsible pet ownership for domestic animals. This includes ensuring that pet owners provide adequate food, shelter, water, and medical attention for their animals. They also work to educate the public on pet safety and animal welfare through community outreach programs, such as visits to schools and educational events.

Providing Compassionate Care for Animals

The Animal Control Department in Newport News is dedicated to providing compassionate care for all animals, both domestic and wildlife. They rescue, care for, and rehabilitate injured or abandoned animals before returning them to their natural habitats whenever possible. Additionally, they ensure that all animals in their care receive proper nutrition, exercise, and medical treatment until they are ready for adoption by a responsible owner.

Supporting Animal Welfare Laws

The Animal Control Department in Newport News plays an active role in supporting animal welfare laws at the local and state level. They help to enforce laws related to the treatment of animals, including those related to cruelty and neglect. By working with law enforcement agencies and local government officials, the Animal Control Department helps to ensure that animals are protected from mistreatment and abuse.


The Animal Control Department in Newport News plays a critical role in maintaining a safe and compassionate community for both humans and animals. Their dedication to promoting responsible pet ownership and enforcing animal-related laws helps to ensure that all animals are treated humanely. If you are in need of animal control services, reach out to the department for assistance. Remember to be kind and respectful towards all animals and do your part in creating a safe and responsible community for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Animal Control Newport News Virginia.

People Also Ask About Animal Control Newport News Virginia

What services does Animal Control Newport News Virginia provide?

Animal Control Newport News Virginia provides various services including:

  1. Responding to calls regarding animals at large or in distress
  2. Investigating and enforcing animal cruelty complaints
  3. Removing stray or nuisance animals from private property or public areas
  4. Providing educational outreach to the community about responsible pet ownership and wildlife management
  5. Holding lost and found pets for a period of time to reunite them with their owners

How can I contact Animal Control Newport News Virginia?

You can contact Animal Control Newport News Virginia by:

  • Calling their main office at (757) 926-8777 during business hours
  • Calling the non-emergency police dispatch number at (757) 247-2500 after hours or on weekends/holidays
  • Submitting a complaint or request online through the City of Newport News' website

What should I do if I find a lost or stray animal?

If you find a lost or stray animal, you should:

  1. Contact Animal Control Newport News Virginia to report the situation
  2. Check the animal for identification tags or a microchip to help identify the owner
  3. Keep the animal contained in a safe location until Animal Control arrives to pick it up
  4. Post flyers or post on social media to help spread the word about the lost animal and increase the chances of reuniting it with its owner

What should I do if I witness animal cruelty or neglect?

If you witness animal cruelty or neglect, you should:

  1. Contact Animal Control Newport News Virginia to report the situation
  2. Provide as much information as possible about the location and nature of the situation
  3. Allow Animal Control to investigate and handle the situation, as they have the expertise and authority to take appropriate action
  4. Consider reporting the situation to local law enforcement or animal welfare organizations as well