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Discover the Heartwarming Haven of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary - A Safe Haven for Rescued Animals!

Discover the Heartwarming Haven of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary - A Safe Haven for Rescued Animals!

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a life-changing experience for both animals and humans alike. Founded in 2017, it is located in West Virginia and is home to over 100 rescued farm animals, ranging from cows and pigs to goats and chickens.

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of animals and want to experience their joy and love firsthand? Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is the perfect solution.

Not only does the sanctuary provide a safe haven for animals that have faced abuse, neglect, or abandonment, but it also educates visitors about animal welfare and encourages people to make compassionate choices when it comes to food and lifestyle.

Some of the statistics surrounding animal cruelty are truly alarming. Did you know that every year, billions of animals are killed for food around the world? And that many of them suffer immensely in industrial farming facilities before that?

At Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary, animals are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Visitors can witness the joyful personalities of these animals as they roam freely on the farm, play with each other, and bond with humans.

If you're tired of feeling helpless about animal suffering, the sanctuary offers ways to get involved and make a difference. From volunteering to sponsoring an animal, there are many opportunities to contribute to this worthy cause.

The sanctuary is also committed to sustainability, using organic and non-toxic methods in its farming practices and reducing its carbon footprint. This makes it an excellent choice for eco-conscious individuals who want to support ethical animal treatment and environmental initiatives.

Whether you visit the sanctuary for a day trip or stay overnight in one of their cozy cabins, you'll be surrounded by the peaceful beauty of rural West Virginia and the loving energy of the animals.

If you're still unsure about visiting the sanctuary, just think about the transformative impact that interacting with animals can have on your life. Studies have shown that spending time with animals can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and increase feelings of happiness.

So why not take a chance and visit Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary? You might just find a newfound sense of purpose and meaning in your life as you help support their mission and witness the joy of the animals firsthand.

In conclusion, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a one-of-a-kind organization that provides a haven for abused and neglected farm animals while promoting education and sustainable living. With its stunning West Virginia countryside location, commitment to animal welfare, and dedication to making a positive impact on the world, it's an experience you won't want to miss!

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary
"Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary" ~ bbaz

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a peaceful haven for rescued animals located in the heart of Virginia. It has been a safe space for animals since 2012, and it offers a unique opportunity for visitors to learn about animal welfare and the impact of industrial animal farming on society, as well as to connect with rescued creatures.

The History of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary

The sanctuary was started by Frank Weller and Brittni Hong in 2012. Both of them were passionate animal rights activists who often rescued abandoned animals and nursed them back to health. However, they recognized that there was a need for a more formal organization that could provide a permanent home for these animals, and so they founded Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary.

The sanctuary's first residents were two goats named Wilbur and Orville. Since then, the sanctuary has grown to include over 100 animals, including cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys, among others. All of these animals have been rescued from situations of neglect or abuse, and they now live happily in the sanctuary's spacious pastures.

The Mission of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary

The mission of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for rescued animals, as well as to educate the public about the realities of industrial animal farming and its impact on animals and the environment. The sanctuary offers regular tours, educational programs, and volunteer opportunities to create a stronger connection between people and animals.

Through its outreach programs, Almost Heaven aims to inspire people to make more compassionate choices in their daily lives. The sanctuary also advocates for animal rights, promoting ethical treatment of all living beings and striving towards a world where animals are no longer exploited for human gain.

The Animals at Almost Heaven

Almost Heaven is home to a wide variety of rescued animals, each with their own unique story. The sanctuary's cows and pigs are gentle giants who love nothing more than getting a good scratch on the back from visitors. The chickens and turkeys are social creatures who enjoy foraging for bugs and dust bathing in the sun.

The animals at Almost Heaven all have different personalities, and they are very much like humans in many ways. Some are shy and reserved, while others are outgoing and playful. Each animal has their own preferences when it comes to food and toys, and they all have their own quirks and habits.

Cow Stories

One of the sanctuary's most beloved cows is a bull named Henry. He was born with a congenital deformity that made it difficult for him to walk, and he was otherwise deemed unfit for commercial farming purposes. However, Henry is now living happily in Almost Heaven's pastures, where visitors can often see him lounging in the sun or playing with his cow friends.

Another of the sanctuary's cows, Beatrice, was rescued from a veal farm where she would have been slaughtered at just a few days old. She is now a healthy and happy cow who enjoys grazing in the fields and receiving neck scratches from visitors.

Pig Stories

One of the sanctuary's most popular pigs is a friendly sow named Penny. Penny was rescued from a factory farm, where she had lived her entire life in a cramped gestation crate. She is now free to roam the lush pastures of Almost Heaven, where she can dig in the dirt and explore to her heart's content. Visitors love to watch Penny as she goes about her day, always with a big smile on her face.

The sanctuary also has a group of young piglets who are always eager to play and explore. They are incredibly smart animals, and watching them interact with each other and their visitors is a joyous experience.

Visiting Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary

If you're interested in visiting Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary, there are plenty of opportunities to do so. The sanctuary offers regular tours, as well as educational programs for schools and other groups. You can also sign up to volunteer at the sanctuary, where you'll have the opportunity to help care for the animals and learn more about animal welfare.

Almost Heaven is a peaceful and beautiful place, where rescued animals are free to live out their lives in safety and comfort. If you're looking for a way to connect with nature and learn more about the importance of animal welfare, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a must-visit destination.

The Importance of Supporting Animal Sanctuaries

Animal sanctuaries like Almost Heaven play an important role in creating a more compassionate world. They offer a safe haven for animals who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned, as well as a space for education and outreach.

By supporting animal sanctuaries, you can help to ensure that these organizations can continue their vital work. Donations and volunteer hours are always appreciated, and they go towards helping to provide food, shelter, and medical care for rescued animals.

You can also support animal sanctuaries by making more compassionate choices in your daily life. Choosing to buy products made from plant-based materials, for example, can help to reduce demand for animal products and thereby reduce animal suffering.


Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a special place, where rescued animals are given a second chance at life. It's also a hub for education and outreach, where people can learn more about the realities of industrial animal farming and how they can make more compassionate choices.

If you're ever in Virginia, be sure to visit Almost Heaven. The animals will greet you with open arms (or wings or hooves), and you'll leave with a renewed appreciation for the beauty and importance of all living creatures.

A Comparison of Two Animal Sanctuaries: Almost Heaven and Others

The Purpose of Animal Sanctuaries

When it comes to animal welfare, sanctuaries hardly need an introduction. They are the go-to places for animals that have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. Their aim is to provide animals with a new home where they receive all the care and attention they need to lead healthy, happy lives. It follows that this noble goal can be compared across different animal sanctuaries, with Almost Heaven Farm being one of them.

The Location

Sanctuaries come in different locations, some in cities, others in rural areas. {{Almost Heaven Farm}} is situated in the Appalachian Mountains on the eastern part of the United States. This location makes it easier for the animals to enjoy natural habitats that are important for their physical and emotional well-being. However, other sanctuaries may be located in urban areas where they provide much-needed refuge for the animals.

The Size of the Sanctuary

Another metric for comparison is the size of the sanctuary. {{Almost Heaven Farm}} covers over 200 acres of land, which is enough space for the animals to roam freely. In contrast, urban sanctuaries may have limited real estate, which can limit the number of animals they can rescue.

The Number and Variety of Animals Found in Each Sanctuary

One of the reasons why many people support animal sanctuaries is because they bring together different types of animals under one roof. {{Almost Heaven Farm}} is home to about 300 animals, including cows, pigs, chickens, goats, and horses. The variety of animals adds to the diversity and charm of the location, while offering a unique experience for visitors. Other sanctuaries can have more or fewer animals depending on their size and mission.

The Facilities and Amenities Offered

Sanctuaries should have safe and comfortable accommodations for the animals. At {{Almost Heaven Farm}}, animals live in spacious barns and pastures, complete with food bowls, clean water sources, and access to medical care. Additionally, the sanctuary has a visitors center and nature trails where people can observe and interact with the animals. Other sanctuaries may have different facilities depending on their size and location.

The Education Programs Available

Many sanctuaries aim to raise awareness about animal welfare, and this means offering educational programs for visitors. At {{Almost Heaven Farm}}, visitors can learn about the origins of the animals, why they need protection, and how to care for them. The sanctuary also offers internships to young people who want to learn more about animal management. Other sanctuaries may have similar programs or may lack these offerings altogether.

Volunteer Opportunities

Another way that people can get involved with sanctuaries is by volunteering their time. {{Almost Heaven Farm}} accepts volunteers who are willing to help with feeding, cleaning, and general maintenance of the property. Volunteers can work alone or in groups and receive training before starting their duties. Other sanctuaries may also rely on volunteers, but the arrangements may differ.

Funding and Donations

Sanctuaries like {{Almost Heaven Farm}} rely on donations from individuals and businesses to operate and fund their activities. These types of contributions help the sanctuary cover expenses such as food, housing, and medical care for the animals. Other sanctuaries may receive funding from government agencies, philanthropic organizations, or other sources.

The Mission of Each Sanctuary

At the core of any sanctuary's operation is its mission statement. The mission usually explains why the sanctuary exists and what it hopes to achieve. For {{Almost Heaven Farm}}, the mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for rescued animals, educate people about animal welfare and advocate for changes in public policies that affect animals. Other sanctuaries may have different missions.

The Impact of the Sanctuaries

In terms of impact, sanctuaries like {{Almost Heaven Farm}} play a vital role in promoting animal welfare and raising public awareness. They rescue animals from neglect or abuse and offer them a new lease on life. Additionally, they educate people about the importance of treating animals humanely and support local economies by creating jobs and attracting visitors. Other sanctuaries may have different impacts, depending on their size, location, and mission.


In conclusion, animal sanctuaries like {{Almost Heaven Farm}} are essential for promoting animal welfare and educating people about the value of all living creatures. They come in different sizes and locations but share similar goals. A comparison of these sanctuaries can help aspiring animal activists choose a place to volunteer their time, donate, or support.

Discover Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary: A Guide


Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is an idyllic haven for animals who have been rescued from abusive situations, neglect, and abandonment. It is located in the charming town of Delray, West Virginia, deep in the Appalachian Mountains. This farm is a non-profit organization that provides lifelong care to animals who may not have had a second chance in life.


Almost Heaven was started in 2002 by Donna Hughes after she saw many neglected animals in her area and felt that there was a need for a sanctuary to provide a safe haven for them. Initially, she only had a few animals on her property, but as word of mouth spread, so did the number of animals needing help. Today, the sanctuary is home to over 250 residents, ranging from horses, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and several other animals.


The primary goal of Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is to rescue animals that are in danger or at risk of abuse, starvation, neglect, and slaughter. The animals are given a new lease of life, and they receive specialized care, including veterinary care, food, and shelter. The sanctuary is also committed to educating the public about animal welfare and why it is essential to treat animals with compassion and kindness.


Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary provides an opportunity for visitors to get involved actively. If you are interested in volunteering, please note that you must be at least 18 years old and able to follow instructions, be physically fit, and comfortable working with animals. The work can include cleaning barns and stalls, feeding and watering the animals, and providing them with lots of love and attention.


As a non-profit organization, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary relies on donations to keep the farm running and the animals fed and cared for. No donation is too small, and they are always grateful for any support given. You can donate via their website or mail.


Although adoption is not permitted at Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary, they strongly encourage and recommend that individuals visit local shelters and rescue groups to adopt animals in need. The sanctuary provides a platform for people to learn more about animal welfare, the importance of adopting, and the right way to treat animals with kindness and compassion.


Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary has several fundraising events throughout the year. One of their most popular events is their annual Vegan Fest, which features vegan food, live music, and educational talks. These events help generate vital financial support to enable the sanctuary to continue providing specialized care to the animals.


Visiting Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary provides an opportunity to see firsthand the incredible work they do in providing care and love to animals in need. Visitors can walk around the farm and interact with the animals, feed them, and even sponsor their care. However, visitors are reminded to be respectful of the animals and follow the rules outlined by the sanctuary.

An Inspiration

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is an inspiring place that shows us the beauty and value of all creatures great and small. It is a reminder of the importance of treating animals with compassion and kindness. Their commitment to animal welfare goes beyond the animals in their care; it extends to educating the public about responsible pet ownership, animal welfare issues, and the benefits of adopting from rescues and shelters.


In conclusion, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a must-visit for anyone who loves animals and wants to support an ethical cause. This idyllic sanctuary will touch your heart, and the animals will leave an imprint on your soul. So, why not plan a visit or make a donation today and help to make a difference in the lives of these magnificent creatures!

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary: A Haven for Our Furry Friends

Have you ever wondered what happens to farm animals when they retire or are no longer needed? Sadly, many of these animals are sent to slaughterhouses and killed. However, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is changing this sad reality by providing a new home for these furry friends.

The sanctuary was started by a group of animal lovers in 2011, who wanted to offer a place where farm animals could live out their remaining years in peace with love and care. Here, animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, and goats, among others, can live their lives without fear of being slaughtered or abandoned.

Many of the animals that come to Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary have faced unimaginable traumas, such as neglect, abuse, or extreme weather conditions. Nevertheless, the kind-hearted staff at the sanctuary provides the necessary care and attention, which helps the animals recover both physically and emotionally.

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary has become an indispensable place in protecting animals. What sets this animal sanctuary apart from others is how it provides a natural habitat for all of the animals to live in.

The sanctuary is based on seventeen acres of land, offering green fields, trees, and a creek. The animals are not locked up in small cages or stalls but are allowed to roam freely and graze, giving them the freedom that they deserve.

Another aspect that sets Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary apart is that they serve as an educational resource for people. Visitors can come to learn more about the farm's animals, including their history, habits, and behavior. The sanctuary offers tours, events, and volunteer programs that allow visitors to interact with the animals and, in turn, learn from them.

The Sanctuary has also been instrumental in influencing the diets of health enthusiasts, vegans, and vegetarians. By introducing healthier meat-alternatives that are clean and affordable- unlike processed foods readily available in many supermarkets today- and their benefits on human health, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is leading discussions around food choices.

Supporting Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary means helping to save the lives of these beloved animals. By volunteering, donating, or becoming a member, you can help ensure that the Sanctuary continues its great work.

Additionally, you can help by spreading the word about the sanctuary and its mission. Share your experience with friends and family or post on social media to let others know the impact of the Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary.

In conclusion, Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is indeed a haven for farm animals. It offers a loving environment where these furry friends can live out their remaining years with compassion, care, and dignity. By supporting this sanctuary, we show our love not only for the animals but also for humanity, promoting kindness, and empathy towards all living beings.

The Sanctuary is worth visiting and supporting – come visit us today!

People Also Ask About Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary

What is Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary?

Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that provides a safe and loving environment for rescued farm animals. The sanctuary is located in Delray Beach, Florida, and is run solely by volunteers.

What kind of animals are at the sanctuary?

The sanctuary is home to a variety of rescued farm animals including cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, and ducks. Each animal has a unique story and personality, and all are given proper care and attention.

How can I support Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary?

There are several ways to support the sanctuary:

  • Donate funds or supplies such as food, bedding, and medical supplies
  • Volunteer your time to help care for the animals or assist with sanctuary events
  • Spread the word about the sanctuary through social media or word of mouth

Can I visit the sanctuary?

Yes, the sanctuary offers scheduled tours for small groups. Visitors can meet the animals and learn more about the sanctuary's mission and goals.

Is Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary a no-kill shelter?

Yes, the sanctuary is a no-kill shelter. The animals are not bred, sold, or used for any commercial purposes. They are provided with permanent residency, and are allowed to live out their lives in peace and comfort at the sanctuary.