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Unlock the Ultimate Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania Experience with These Tips!

Unlock the Ultimate Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania Experience with These Tips!
Animal Crossing is a popular video game that has captured the hearts of gamers all over the world. One of the most delightful features of this game is the ability to customize your own town tune. And what better way to do so than by incorporating one of the most iconic songs from Undertale: Megalovania?

Are you an Animal Crossing player who also happens to be a big fan of Undertale? If yes, have you thought about adding Megalovania as your town tune? This is a fun way to showcase your love for both games!

But, what is town tune? In Animal Crossing, players can create their own unique melody that plays throughout their town. This melody is often used as background music and adds to the overall vibe of the town. And with the addition of Megalovania, the mood becomes instantly more epic.

Why pick Megalovania as your town tune? First off, it's catchy, memorable, and downright epic. There's a good reason why it's known as one of the most iconic songs in video game history. Secondly, incorporating Megalovania into your town tune will make your gameplay experience even more exciting.

But how do you create the Megalovania tune for your Animal Crossing? There are several ways to do so. Some players choose to create their own tune using the in-game editor, while others opt to use online tune converters to make their lives easier.

Are you concerned about how Megalovania will sound as a town tune? Well, worry not! There are plenty of examples of players who have already incorporated Megalovania into their town tunes and the results are fantastic. You can search for these examples on social media or browse online forums for inspiration.

But, is there any downside to using Megalovania as your town tune? Perhaps the only downside is that it might get stuck in your head for hours on end. But, let's be honest, that's a small price to pay for the sheer awesomeness that comes with incorporating this iconic song.

Are you ready to add Megalovania to your Animal Crossing town tune? It's easy, fun and will make your town a whole lot cooler. Plus, it's an excellent way to show off your love for Undertale to fellow gamers who share the same passion. So why not give it a try?

Lastly, if you're looking for a way to spice up your Animal Crossing gameplay experience, then adding Megalovania as your town tune is definitely the solution you're looking for. It's unique, cool and will make your Animal Crossing gameplay adventure all the more unforgettable. So don't hesitate to give it a go!

In conclusion, by adding Megalovania to your Animal Crossing town tune, you'll create an epic gaming experience that perfectly blends the worlds of Undertale and Animal Crossing together. This catchy melody will undoubtedly have you humming along even when you're not playing the game. So what are you waiting for? Get in there and start creating the ultimate Animal Crossing town tune today!

Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania
"Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania" ~ bbaz

The Surprising Popularity of Animal Crossing Town Tunes

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is Nintendo's latest release of their well-loved franchise, and it has taken the world by storm. This game allows players to create their own perfect little island and fill it with lovable anthropomorphic animals. But did you know that players can also customize their town tune, the jingle that plays every time you talk to someone or enter a building?

Recently, a particular town tune has been making waves around the internet: Megalovania from the popular indie game Undertale. For those who aren't familiar with Undertale, Megalovania is a song that plays during one of the game's final battles. Its fast-paced electronic beat and catchy melody have made it a beloved song in the gaming community, and now it's found a new home in Animal Crossing.

The Appeal of Megalovania

So why is this specific song gaining so much attention in the Animal Crossing community? One reason could be its innately catchy tune, which makes it a perfect fit for a town tune. Another reason may be the nostalgia factor for Undertale fans who are excited to bring a piece of their favorite game into a new one. Additionally, there is a sense of pride in creating your own unique little tune, and choosing Megalovania adds an extra layer of personalization to the experience.

Sharing Town Tunes Online

An interesting aspect of Animal Crossing's town tunes is that they can be easily shared between players online. As soon as someone shares their town's tune code, others can input it into their own game to use the same tune. This sharing feature has made it pretty simple for Megalovania to spread through the Animal Crossing community like wildfire.

Social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok have become havens for Animal Crossing content creators, who have been sharing their own town tunes on their respective pages. It's not uncommon to see videos of players dancing to the beat of Megalovania or other catchy tunes made by fellow players.

The Power of Cross-Pollination

The phenomenon of Megalovania finding new life in yet another game highlights the power of cross-pollination within the gaming community. Gaming communities tend to be passionate and tight-knit, with shared interests that extend beyond just one particular game. It's not uncommon for gamers to try out a new game solely because they recognize a character or song that they love from another game they've played before.

In a way, this shared language between games breeds a sense of unity among players and allows for games to cross over and become a part of a wider cultural conversation. Megalovania may be the latest example of this, but it shows how a seemingly small detail like a town tune can have a significant impact on the gaming community as a whole.


The popularity of Megalovania in Animal Crossing is no small feat. Its ability to unite players across different games and platforms is a reminder of the power of shared interests. While it may just be a simple town tune, it packs a lot of meaning for those who cherish it. So whether you're jamming out to Megalovania in your personalized Animal Crossing island or simply enjoying the song's continued presence in the gaming community, its existence alone adds to the colorful tapestry of experiences that make up the gaming world.

Comparing Animal Crossing Town Tunes and Megalovania


Animal Crossing and Megalovania are two completely different games. One is a simulation game where you play as a villager and the other is a popular song from the video game Undertale. However, the two share a common thread - the ability to create melodies using town tunes. In this article, we will be exploring the similarities and differences between Animal Crossing town tunes and Megalovania.

What Are Animal Crossing Town Tunes?

Before delving into the comparison, let's first define what Animal Crossing town tunes are. These are 15-note melodies that can be heard throughout your village in the game. The tunes are created by using the game's music feature, which allows players to select from pre-existing notes or create new ones. By combining different notes, players can create their own unique town tune.

What is Megalovania?

Megalovania is a song composed by Toby Fox, which first appeared in the indie game Undertale. The soundtrack quickly became popular among gamers and gained a cult following. The song has a strong melody, which has made it popular not only within the game, but also outside of it.

The Similarities between Megalovania and Animal Crossing Town Tunes

At first glance, one might be tempted to think that there is no connection between Megalovania and Animal Crossing town tunes. However, they share a similarity - both are catchy melodies that have found a home in the hearts of individuals who enjoy gaming. They are simple yet effective and have the ability to transport players to a different world.

Their Catchiness

One of the main things that make both Animal Crossing town tunes and Megalovania special is their catchiness. They have a way of getting stuck in your head, and before you know it, you find yourself humming or singing the tune long after playing the game or listening to the song.

Creative Control

Both Animal Crossing town tunes and Megalovania provide an opportunity for creative control. With the music feature in Animal Crossing, players can create their own unique tunes, while Toby Fox's composition allows individuals to remix or create their own covers of the song.

Sound Effect

Another similarity between the two is their use as sound effects. In Undertale, Megalovania is used as a boss battle theme, while in Animal Crossing, town tunes play softly in the background, adding to the overall ambiance of the game.

The Differences between Megalovania and Animal Crossing Town Tunes


One of the main differences between the two is their level of complexity. While Animal Crossing town tunes are relatively simple and easy to create, Megalovania has more intricate melodies, making it more challenging to replicate and master.


Another difference is the genre of the music. Animal Crossing town tunes are typically light-hearted and represent the peaceful nature of the game, while Megalovania is known for its intense and fast-paced beat that complements the game's boss battles.


Finally, the context in which the tunes are heard is different. In Animal Crossing, town tunes are heard in the background, while Megalovania is a song that plays during critical moments in the game.

Opinion on Animal Crossing Town Tunes and Megalovania


When it comes to preference, it ultimately comes down to personal taste. Some individuals might prefer the simplicity and peacefulness of Animal Crossing town tunes, while others might enjoy the intensity and energy of Megalovania. However, one thing that is certain is that both have found a special place in the hearts of fans of the respective games, which is a testament to their greatness.

Table Comparison

Animal Crossing Town Tune Megalovania
Catchiness High High
Creative Control High High
Sound Effect Background music Boss battle theme
Simplicity Simple Intricate
Genre Light-hearted Intense
Context In the background During critical moments

In conclusion, despite being from different genres, Animal Crossing town tunes and Megalovania share a common thread of catchiness and creative control. They are both great in their own way and have found a special place in the gaming world.

Tips and Tutorial on Creating Animal Crossing Town Tunes Using Megalovania


Animal Crossing is one of the most popular simulation games out there. It allows you to create your own avatar, build your town, and interact with other animals. One of the exciting things about the game is that you can create your own town tune. A town tune is a melody that plays whenever you do something in your town, like catching a fish or digging up a fossil. Megalovania is a popular song from Undertale and it sounds great as a town tune. Here are some tips and a tutorial on how to create Animal Crossing town tunes using Megalovania.

Tip 1: Decide on the beats and tempo

The first step in creating an Animal Crossing town tune using Megalovania is to decide on the beats and tempo of the song. Megalovania has a fast tempo so you may want to adjust the tempo in the game to match it. The song also has a lot of beats and tempo changes so you should take that into account when creating your own version.

Tip 2: Choose the key and scale

When creating a town tune, you also need to choose the key and scale of the melody. Megalovania is in the key of D Minor so you may want to use the same key for your town tune. The song also uses the Dorian scale, which is similar to the natural minor scale. You can experiment with different scales and keys to find the one that fits best.

Tip 3: Listen to the song and break it down

It's important to listen to Megalovania and break it down into sections. This will help you understand the structure of the song and the way the melody moves. You can start by listening to the first few bars and writing down the notes. Then, continue to listen and write down the other sections until you have the entire melody.

Tip 4: Use Animal Crossing's music maker tool

Animal Crossing has a built-in music maker tool that you can use to create your town tune. You can access it by speaking to Isabelle at the Town Hall. The tool allows you to choose different notes and rests, adjust the tempo and beats, and listen to your melody as you create it.


Now that you have some tips on creating an Animal Crossing town tune using Megalovania, here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it.

Step 1: Open the music maker tool

Speak to Isabelle at the Town Hall and select the option to change the town tune. This will open up the music maker tool.

Step 2: Choose the key and scale

Select the key and scale you want to use for your melody. Remember that Megalovania is in D Minor with a Dorian scale.

Step 3: Listen to Megalovania and write down the melody

Listen to the song and write down the melody. You can break it down into sections to make it easier. Be sure to include any rests or pauses in the melody.

Step 4: Input the notes into the music maker tool

Using the notes in your written melody, input the notes into the music maker tool. You can adjust the length of the notes and add any necessary rests.

Step 5: Adjust the tempo and beats

Adjust the tempo and beats of your town tune to match the original song. You may need to experiment to find the right tempo and beats.

Step 6: Test your town tune

Once you have created your town tune, test it out in your game. You can hear it whenever you do something in your town, like walking or catching a fish.

Step 7: Share your town tune with others

Finally, share your town tune with others. You can post it on social media or share it with friends who also play Animal Crossing.


Creating an Animal Crossing town tune using Megalovania is a fun way to add a personal touch to your game. By following these tips and using the music maker tool, you can create a unique town tune that reflects your love for the game and the music of Undertale.

Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania

If you're familiar with the popular video game Undertale, chances are you've heard of its iconic music track, Megalovania. The fast-paced and energetic theme has become a fan favorite over the years, with many people trying to recreate it in various ways. One such way is through Animal Crossing's town tune feature, which allows players to create their own musical jingle for their virtual village.

The town tune feature was first introduced in Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS in 2005 and has since become a staple of the franchise. Players can compose their own tunes using a simple editor that includes a range of musical notes. These tunes can then be heard throughout the village whenever a villager speaks or whenever the player interacts with various objects.

Given its popularity, it wasn't long before fans started creating their own versions of Megalovania in Animal Crossing. This involved transposing the original music to fit within the limitations of the town tune editor, which only allows for a few bars of music. Despite the challenge, many talented musicians managed to create impressive renditions of the track.

One popular version of the Animal Crossing town tune Megalovania includes the beginning notes of the original song, which can be heard when interacting with various objects or speaking with villagers. It's a fun and nostalgic addition to any village and is sure to bring a smile to players' faces.

Creating your own Animal Crossing town tune Megalovania is surprisingly easy, even for those who aren't musically inclined. Simply visit the town tune editor in-game and use the note editor to input the following sequence of notes:

G - G - G - E - B - B - B - E - D - D - D - C - C - C - G - E - B - B - B - E - D - D - G - G - G - E - B - B - B - E - D - D - D - C - C - C - G - E - B - B - B - E - D - D

These notes correspond to the melody of Megalovania and, when played in-game, will sound just like the original song. Of course, you can also customize the tune to your liking by changing the pitch or adding additional notes.

Overall, adding Megalovania to your Animal Crossing town tune collection is a great way to show off your love for the game and its music. It's a fun and catchy tune that will make your village stand out from the rest and is sure to impress anyone who hears it.

So what are you waiting for? Start tinkering with the town tune editor and create your own version of Megalovania today! Whether you're a seasoned musician or just starting out, there's no better way to bring a bit of Undertale magic to your Animal Crossing village.

Thank you for reading our article about the Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania. We hope you found this information helpful and that you have been inspired to create your own version of Megalovania in your game. Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to customizing your Animal Crossing experience, so don't be afraid to get creative and have fun!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing Town Tunes Megalovania

What is Animal Crossing Town Tunes?

Animal Crossing Town Tunes is a feature in the popular game, Animal Crossing, that allows players to create their own unique melodies to play in their towns.

What is Megalovania?

Megalovania is a song composed by Toby Fox for the indie game, Undertale. The song has gained popularity and has been used in various memes and remixes.

Can you use Megalovania as your town tune in Animal Crossing?

Yes, players can use Megalovania or any other song as their town tune in Animal Crossing. However, they will have to create the melody using the game's limited music notes.

How do you create Megalovania in Animal Crossing?

To create Megalovania in Animal Crossing, players will need to use the game's music editor to input specific notes and create the melody. Here are the steps:

  1. Access the Music Editor by talking to Isabelle at Resident Services.
  2. Select Change the island tune and choose Let's compose!
  3. Input the notes using the control stick, with the A button being the higher pitch and the B button being the lower pitch.
  4. Save the melody once finished and it will be played in the town.

Are there any examples of Megalovania town tunes in Animal Crossing?

Yes, there are many examples of Megalovania town tunes created by players in Animal Crossing. These can be found on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.